A Ministry of Xtreme Church
A Ministry of Xtreme Church
If the rapture has not taken place yet, please click here to receive Jesus in your heart and make a change before its too late… otherwise, please read on…
Why are we gone and you are here? Why were you left behind? We were not better than you in any way. You and I had equal sin that needed cleansing and forgiving by God. But the difference is that we repented, turned from our sins, and turned to Jesus, whose death and resurrection from the dead paid the sin debt we owed. You were left behind because you didn’t. It sounds harsh and mean, but the plain fact is that you had a chance and didn’t take it; or, you didn’t take it seriously enough to make a life change when you did. But right now, is your next and very last chance.
Jesus loves you no matter what, and His will and desire is for you to accept Him into your life as your Lord and Savior. So to acknowledge this, we say what is called a “Sinners Prayer” or a “Prayer of Salvation” … you may have heard of this or even said this prayer before. Let me explain it real fast before we continue to it..
The sinners prayer is a Christian term for a prayer that is said when someone wants to repent of their sin, ask God for forgiveness and state belief in the life, death, and saving resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9-10 says that “if you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
Before the rapture and even now, millions have come to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through church services, friends, and family leading them in a salvation prayer. However, it is not words in a prayer that save. Jesus Christ alone has the power to save through faith. It is not the prayer that saves you, it is the Power in the blood of Jesus Christ alone that can wash away your sins, but you accept this, by faith.
But there is an important difference between then (before the rapture) and now. As I said, all you need to do is accept Jesus by faith. As long as you try to live a Christian life and turn from sin (in your heart), Gods grace was always there to save you and lift you up, because His mercy is renewed daily and He always forgives us of our sin and shortcomings.
So here’s the difference and VERY IMPORTANT thing to understand. You receive salvation (from eternity in hell, and forgiveness of sins) through saying the simple prayer below, in and though faith, that is believing and making a firm decision now, not only though faith, but works and deed. You see, the Grace that once filled the gap and bridged a Christians sinful nature with the righteous expectation of Christ is gone. It left with the Church when we were raptured and now you will need to walk the walk and face what lies ahead. But only now, you will have the love and help of Jesus Christ to carry you through, and if you endure to the end, you will be saved… and you will join us in heaven for eternity.
So right now, Just say out Loud, “Lord God, please forgive me of all my sin. I need a savior and know that I cannot do it alone. I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Lord and savior and repent, turn away from my sins and make a commitment to you right now to follow you all the rest of my days. Romans 10:13 says.. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" , and I thank you for salvation and ask that you lead me and show me your ways, give me strength where I am weak, wisdom and knowledge where needed, provision and resources when needed, and allow me to be a light and example of you to others, In the name of Jesus Christ, who I now call my Lord and Savior, Amen”
OK, now you have taken the first and mot vital step in your life. Next, you need to get as much information as you can so you know what to do, and what not to do.
Search around this site, download and print as much as you can because it may not be up for long. Download a bible from the download page and keep it as a PDF if you can’t print it or find a printed one. They will be outlawed of not already.
If you’ve already got a bible, then let’s go here first: First Things First