A Ministry of Xtreme Church
A Ministry of Xtreme Church
Luke 17:25-26, “But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.”
As It Was In The Days Of Noah... Only Eight People Were Saved!
Not only will the unsaved be left behind, but most Religious People Will Be Left Behind!Only eight people were saved from the flood of Noah's day. Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives.
Most people are living by their own rules and convictions, while totally disregarding God's Word. and that day (if its realized for what it is) will be a rude awakening for many...
It is my intent to have physical churches and ministries partnered with us who can house physical information, bibles, instructions and plans for when they are gone, others left can follow. the same blueprint and be able to create groups, militias and teams to help each other not only survive, but thrive.
We are creating barter sites ans a Christian Crypro-currency also, so look for these in the near future; hopefully I will be able to get it all done in time... which is why your help is needed.
As I update this site with the relevant information, the needs will be updated as well.
I am seeking several locations to be lighthouses, beacons for others to find and look to as a hub for these groups. If you are a ministry, or have a location that will remain standing if you are gone and are interested in getting involved. please contact me; or, if you wish to help on any level, please click the link below and contact us.
If you cannot partner though and with a physical ministry, you can still get involved by getting information out.. praying, and/or helping to fund this ministry.
PLEASE, any way you can, get involved and help.. The eternal lives of even people you know and love, depend on it.